As on June 8, 1998, 208 issuers have entered into agreements with NSDL to get their securities dematerialised. Amongst these, dematerialisation facilities are available for shares of 186 corporates. The total number of securities available for trading is 183.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (R&T Agent: MCS Limited) has signed the agreement with NSDL to make its shares available for dematerialisation.
Further, mutual fund units of Escort Mutual Fund (R&T Agent: Karvy Consultants Limited) have been made available for dematerialisation.
Wartsila NSD India Limited has made a one - time payment to NSDL that will enable NSDL not to charge custody fees to the DPs for its shares with effect from July 1, 1998. This brings the total number of companies who have opted for this scheme to 33.